Archived Three Fridays of Summer Checking in on the year of distributed domestication, or something like that
Archived Spring Notes... Last days of winter, running by the Wey and remembering the delights of inane taxi conversations
Archived Flies, Storms and The Sense of An Ending In which the flies and sand storms return, and the sense of the beginning of the end lingers..
Archived Rebooting (Coming Up for Air) In which I drag myself back here to clear the cobwebs and to begin again, for the umpteenth time
Archived 42. Rethinking... In which my 42nd circuit around the sun begins without much fanfare, and I realise I need to rethink, well, everything.
Archived Theories, Tea and (future) 10ks In which a long trip up north brings a dose of conspiracy theories, Yemeni tea and in which begin walking and running again...
Archived World, Meet L In which we finally meet L, survive a harrowing few days and breathe a little as the Calvary arrives...
Archived On A Return to the Reassurance of Routines In which an odd holiday season comes and goes and the reality of work is strangely comforting...
Archived Lights, Language and this (c)old December weather In which I reflect on language, and inadvertently become the poster boy for not wearing a jacket
Archived Coming Up For Air... In which I finally get to pause for breath after a manic past few weeks...
Archived A Hundred Days of Being... In which I somehow end up surviving (in my gilded prison) for a hundred days and counting...
Archived Season of Regression to the Mean In which the peculiar fragility, and persistence, of hope is exposed
Archived Of Hymns and Poetry-ing... In which two podcasts from very widely different people - an (overly?) exuberant Pentecostal preacher and an Irish poet-theologian remind me of the power of the weight of words
Archived Fits, Starts and A dark view... In which unexpected time on my hand makes me ponder what the trajectory of humanity is...
Archived Decluttering... In which migrating my contacts between phones reminds me of all the people I'm still holding on to in various ways.
Archived Got 'Til Its (Kinda) Gone. In which a chance encounter reminds me of the privileges and opportunities I've had, and the need to be more present and appreciative...
Archived Sometimes the third time is a charm In which the Universe seems insistent on making me a better man, against my will, a third time of asking.
Archived The Curious State of Being Forty-One In which a NOT milestone birthday comes and goes without much ado...
Archived Vices, Spices and A Question of Identity In which Football Manager comes good and I discover pepper is a key part of my identity
Archived The Other Things That COVID brings In which I muse on the preponderance of cats, the ubiquity of masks and meeting W, one of the good things that COVID brought my way...